Friday, January 4, 2013

R is for RETREAT!

Hey all!
We have some awesome awesome retreats coming up for both junior and senior high!

January 19th-20th- Junior High retreat at Camp Omega. We will be meeting at church at noon on the 19th, and returning at 5pm on the 20th. This includes Bible study, tubing, lots of snow activities, etc. Cost is $30. You need a medical release form and $30. If $30 is an issue, contact Cori. All other information is down by the youth room. You can contact Cori @

February 22nd-24th- Senior Highers will be going up to Chisolm, MN for a "How to Share your Faith" retreat. This is going to be a great weekend of sleeping in a cabin, snow activities, building some lasting relationships with fellow youth, and the best part is- all of this will be done while learning how to share your faith. AWESOME!!  Below are pictures of where we will be staying. Cost is $30, plus two fast food meals. If money is an issue, contact Cori Hope to see you there!!

February 22nd-24th- Senior Highers will be going up to Chisolm, MN for a "How to Share your Faith" retreat. This is going to be a great weekend of sleeping in a cabin, snow activities, building some lasting relationships with fellow youth, and the best part is- all of this will be done while learning how to share your faith. AWESOME!!